Gascoyne Waterhole

Sonya Edney

SKU Jap-023197
Artwork Year

110 x 102 cm


acrylic on canvas


In this painting, Yinggarda artist Sonya Edney paints her country in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, after seasonal rains have transformed the landscape. Spring rains have filled the waterholes and there is a proliferation of different coloured wildflowers spreading across the red earth.

Sonya grew up around Burringurrah near Mt Augustus in the upper Gascoyne region and she recalls, “As children we spent a lot of time at the waterholes around Gascoyne Junction. Dad would go off to hunt kangaroo and the first thing we would do was to go out and get wood to make a fire.”

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Yondee Shane Hansen Exhibition

Upcoming Exhibition

Yondee Shane Hansen

12-26 April 2025