Recently Sold
View our most recently sold works. If there’s something in particular you love thats sold, please get in touch as we may be able to assist sourcing a similar piece.
Clifford Tilmouth Pengarte
“Mulga Tree Dreaming”
UFYAA-5930 x 30 cmSold -
Harold Payne Mpetyane
Ahakeye (Bush Plum Dreaming)
UFYAA-7830 x 30 cmSold -
June Bird
Ahakeye (Bush Plum Dreaming)
UFYAA-11530 x 30 cmSold -
June Bird
Ahakeye (Bush Plum Dreaming)
UFYAA-11630 x 30 cmSold -
Rosabella Long Petyarre
Alpite (Wild Flowers)
UFYAA-6330 x 30 cmSold -
Lizzie Moss Pwerle
UFYAA-9730 x 30 cmSold -
Harold Payne Mpetyane
Arekwarr (Wild Pigeon) Dreaming
UFYAA-5430 x 30 cmSold -
Johnny Payne Ngale
Arekwarr (Wild Pigeon) Dreaming
UFYAA-1430 x 30 cmSold -
Harold Payne Mpetyane
Arekwarr (Wild Pigeon) Dreaming
UFYAA-7930 x 30 cmSold